Drainage Works in Church Street, Fletching w/c 14 February 2022
Fletching Parish Council
East Sussex Highways will be carrying out drainage works outside Church Farm on Church Street, Fletching.
Work will start on Monday 14th February 2022 and continue for five days.
Church Street will remain open throughout the works with the use of give and take traffic management.There will be ‘no parking’ signs and cones on site to advise where parking is restricted.
Please see this website for information for this work - https://www.eastsussexhighways.com/highway-schemes/church-street-fletching-drainage
Contact Information
Gabriella Paterson-Griggs, Clerk
- 07534 959772
Find Fletching Parish Council
Fletching, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 3SS
Additional Information
Our meetings are usually held in the Pavilion, Fletching Recreation Ground, Church Street, Fletching.